How to format USB flash drives correctly? Ipwn3r456 Jun 7. Hey community, I want to know how to format a USB flash drive correctly, I know you choose FAT32 for file system, but don't know.
This content has been, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Resources linked from this page may no longer be available or reliable. Does not have a native option for formatting a drive in FAT32 format through the GUI; it does have the NTFS and exFAT file system options, but these are not as widely compatible as FAT32. While Windows Vista does have a FAT32 option, no version of Windows can format a disk larger than 32 GB as FAT32. Therefore, to format a drive in FAT32 format, you will have to either use a third-party FAT32 format utility, or manually force Windows to format your drive as FAT32 from the command line using diskpart. Note: It is not suggested that you perform a 'quick format'. The standard format can take significantly longer, but quick format does not reliably remove some of the previous information; this can cause the new boot record not to work correctly.