Have questions or need information regarding online or mobile banking? Amrit vani. Free game download for laptop. Visit RBC Royal Bank's Customer Service page for answers.

I usually came in early to do all the opening checks. For security reasons I can't really explain everything that happens but for about half an hour various things and tasks are completed to make sure it's safe for the bank to open and for more employees to show up to work. In the morning you set up all your meetings for the the day and adapt your day's schedule. Film Print your papers, fill in the holes and prepare yourself. All along the day you meet people, shake their hands and learn a little bit more about them and try to meet their financial and banking needs.

Rbc And Me


Lunch is usually offset at some weird hours and in the later hours of a regular business day you spend your time completing your files and sending emails, closing files and sending follow-up work. Your ability to move up while working for RBC depends on who you know. They prefer to take people from outside RBC rather than employing from within. For retail banking they have a drive for banking advisors from TD,CIBC, Scotia etc, yet they have Client Advisors who have the same qualifications. As a CA I have seen some of the new BAI's who know nothing about sales yet they were employed while those that are within are delayed using sales targets as a tactic.

This entry was posted on 1/21/2019.