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Untuk membuat transisi antar perangkat yang berbeda tersebut, Microsoft mengenalkan kategori software baru, Universal Apps, yang menggunakan kode yang sama, namun beradaptasi dengan antar muka perangkat yang kalian gunakan. Berikut beberapa hal menarik dari Windows 10 yang perlu kalian ketahui: Windows 10 Feature Highlights [youtube_embed id=”3ngnzY5xtI8″]. Mereka juga bakal mem-bundling aplikasi Universal mereka sendiri untuk OS tersebut, termasuk itu Photo, Video, Music, Map, People & Messaging dan Mail & Calendar, yang mana semua aplikasi bakal berfungsi sama di tablet, smartphone dan PC. Aplikasi laptop terbaik windows 10.
Having just come back from the UK Premier, I can honestly say, that was quite simply appalling. Only Kill Your Friends is a worse film of 2015. I absolutely loved Enter the Void with a passion, the poster has been my iPhone screen saver ever since. It was slick, stylish, sexy and trippy. Love, however fails to deliver on so many levels. I get what the director was trying to achieve here, but it just doesn't work due to the appalling acting from the very unlikable main character. Where on earth did they get him from? Free family movies on youtube.
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